Protect health care for Hoosiers

Ensure access to health care and CHOICE home care for Indiana's most vulnerable populations.

Like many states, Indiana has programs to ensure access to health care and home care for the most vulnerable populations: the elderly, disabled and impoverished.  

The Community and Home Options to Institutional Care for the Elderly and Disabled (CHOICE) program has served tens of thousands of Hoosiers and their family caregivers since its passage by the 1987 General Assembly.  On countless occasions, CHOICE has been a vital service to senior citizens and persons with disabilities.  It allows people who require just a few hours of care each day to remain in their homes with part time assistance, rather than being forced prematurely into round-the-clock nursing facilities.

We need full funding for CHOICE home care in the 2013 state budget, House Bill 1001. Read more here >

Medicaid is a vital health insurance safety net program that provides access to health care for about 1 in 7 Hoosiers.  Currently, Medicaid primarily serves children, low-income pregnant women, people with disabilities, and families with children and seniors in need of long-term care.

Under the Affordable Care Act, Indiana has the option to accept federal funding to provide greater access to health coverage for low income Hoosiers. Read more here >

Current Campaigns

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