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2011 General Assembly - Bad Energy Policy Bills Passed

The following are the synopses of the energy policy bills that passed the 2011 Indiana General Assembly. Unfortunately, this year they were ALL bad bills.


2011 General Assembly - Dead Bad Bills

These are the bills that (thankfully) did not make it out of the 2011 General Assembly alive.


IURC Approves Rate Reduction in NIPSCO Gas Rate Case

 From the IURC Press Release:

All customer classes in the NIPSCO service territory will receive a modest reduction in their rates and charges as a result of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s approval of the settlement agreement in the...


White Paper: Cap and Trade versus a Carbon Tax

Executive Summary:

This research paper focuses on the arguments between cap and trade versus a carbon tax. A literature survey of over fifty news and web articles, and opinion pieces were used. This issue is fast changing in...


CAC and CLEAN Respond to Edwardsport Greenwashing Video


White Paper: An overview of smart grid technology

Executive Summary: 

This research paper focuses on “smart grid” technology and related issues in an effort to gain a clear working understanding of the term and how it is being used by various stakeholders. 


White Paper: Making the Case for Single Payer Health Reform: It is Time for Medicare for All

Executive Summary:

The health care system in the United States is better described as a non-system of expensive illness intervention that covers too few and costs too much. The United States is the only industrialized nation...


2006 Indiana General Assembly Final Report

As midnight fast approached on March 14, 2006, the legislature adjourned “sine die”, marking the end of the 2006 session ofthe Indiana General Assembly. Although this was a short (non-budget) session, an abundance of substantive issues were in play ...



Current Campaigns

These are the issues of immediate importance we are working on right now.