Representative David Ober (R-Uniondale, District 82)

   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   Total 
 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage N/A N/A N/A N/A <> 25% 25% 0% 50% 75% 60% 41%

* <> indicates that we did not track voting records for this legislative session.


2018 Voting Records: Representative David Ober (R-Uniondale, District 82)

Campaign contributions from the Energy & Natural Resources sector, 2006 - present: $18,400
(Includes money taken from the following industries: utilities, coal, mining, oil, natural gas, steel, and environmental services & equipment.),2017,2016,2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006&c-t-eid=10885742&d-ccg=5#[{1|gro=y

Pro-Consumer Percentage: 60%
The following is a synopsis of how the Representative voted in the 2018 General Assembly on the bills that CAC was tracking. We consider that 80% is a passing grade for the legislators, meaning that if their "Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage" is 80% or above, they are working to protect consumers in the State House. If their percentage is below 80%, they are not working to protect consumers.

For bill details and your legislators’ votes on the following bills, please click here to visit our Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.


SB 362: Regulation of water and wastewater systems
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb.

Provides that a public utility, conservancy district, or regional water or sewage district that is organized as a legal entity after June 30, 2018 to provide water or wastewater service to the public is subject to the jurisdiction of the Indiana utility regulatory commission for the period of 10 years beginning on the day on which it is organized as a legal entity.

Vote on SB 362:

    • Committee Vote: Pro-Consumer
  • House Floor Vote: Pro-Consumer

SB 411: Distressed Utilities
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb.

The bill undercuts the regulatory process in any case involving the acquisition of a distressed water or wastewater utility which is placed before the Commission for approval. The bill would not only eliminate the ability of interested stakeholders to challenge, or even review, the sale price of the distressed utility. It would effectively turn the Commission into a rubber stamp, forcing the Commission to accept the sale price, no questions asked. This is a bridge too far which would make the Commission proceedings little more than a ministerial process, and remove any and all ability or authority the Commission may have in protecting consumers during these acquisition proceedings.

Vote on SB 411:

    • Committee Vote: 2 votes; both Anti-Consumer
  • House Floor Vote: Anti-Consumer

SB 1267: Water infrastructure task force
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb.

Establishes a water infrastructure task force to study Indiana’s drinking water systems, wastewater management systems, and storm water management systems. This bill charges the task force with the responsibility of developing a long term plan for addressing drinking water, wastewater, and storm water management needs in Indiana. Requires the task force to submit a report containing certain recommendations to the general assembly and the governor not later than December 1, 2018.

Vote on SB 1267:

    • Committee Vote: Pro-Consumer
  • House Floor Vote: 3 votes; all Pro-Consumer

SB 1319: Small loans and unsecured consumer installment loans
Status: Died in the Senate Commerce & Technology Committee.

HB 1319 was a highly controversial bill to legalize installment lending up to 222% APR. Currently, lenders can offer installment loans only if they remain under Indiana's criminal loan sharking law, which caps fees and interest at 72% APR. This new bill would allow payday lenders to offer larger, longer-term loans at up to 222% APR. Under current law, a typical payday borrower making $16,000 qualifies for a two-week payday loan of $266 and if they take 8-10 loans in a row, they would pay about $400 in fees. Under this new bill, a borrower making $16,000 per year could qualify for a one-year loan of $1500 and pay nearly $1600 in fees.

Vote on SB 1319: Anti-Consumer


2017 Voting Records: Representative David Ober (R-Uniondale, District 82)

Campaign contributions from the Energy & Natural Resources sector, 2006 - present: $18,400
(Includes money taken from the following industries: utilities, coal, mining, oil, natural gas, steel, and environmental services & equipment.),2016,2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006&c-t-eid=10885742&d-ccg=5#[{1|gro=y

Pro-Consumer Percentage: 75%
The following is a synopsis of how the Senator voted in the 2017 General Assembly on the bills that CAC was tracking. We consider that 80% is a passing grade for the legislators, meaning that if their "Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage" is 80% or above, they are working to protect consumers in the State House. If their percentage is below 80%, they are not working to protect consumers.

For bill details and your legislators’ votes on the following bills, please click here to visit our Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.


SB 309: Distributed Generation
Status: Signed in law by Gov. Pence

Description: SB309 places a permanent prohibition on net metering in 5 years and ends net metering permanently in 30 years. This bill is an attempt by Indiana’s electric monopoly utilities to quash the rooftop solar industry and prevent homeowners and small businesses from generating their own energy on their own property using the power of the sun, the wind, and other renewable energy resources.

Votes on SB 309:

  • Committee Votes: Anti-Consumer
  • Senate Floor Votes: Anti-Consumer

HB 1519: Infrastructure development zone utility service
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Description: HB1519 puts in place a process which allows water utilities to acquire future water resources for the purpose of serving their customers and authorizes water utilities to seek approval from the Commission to replace customer-owned lead service lines. Additionally, the bill authorizes water and wastewater utilities to create a low-income assistance program in an attempt to insulate vulnerable Hoosier households from the significant increases in water and sewer bills by making their monthly bills more affordable

Votes on HB 1519:

  • Committee Votes: Pro-Consumer
  • Senate Floor Votes: 2 votes; both Pro-Consumer

HB 1494: Regulation of confined feeding operations
Status: Died in the Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure Committee

Description: HB1494 significantly weakens the regulations of confined animal feeding operations (CAFOS) by eliminating and/or modifying certain disclosure, permitting and public notice requirements.

Votes on HB 1494: Pro-Consumer

SB 416: Infrastructure assistance fund
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Description: SB416 creates a fund to assist communities struggling with the current funding challenges they face in maintaining and upgrading their water and wastewater infrastructure. The fund will allow communities and local utilities to seek grants, loans, and other financial assistance in an attempt to mitigate rate increases on consumers and reduce the financial burden on water utilities and local governments.

Votes on SB 416:

  • Committee Votes: Pro-Consumer
  • Senate Floor Votes: Pro-Consumer 


2016 Voting Records: Representative David Ober (R-Uniondale, District 82)

Campaign contributions from the Energy & Natural Resources sector, 2006 - present: $13,100
(Includes money taken from the following industries: utilities, coal, mining, oil, natural gas, steel, and environmental services & equipment.),2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006&f-core=1&c-t-eid=10885742&d-ccg=5

Pro-Consumer Percentage: 50%
The following is a synopsis of how the Senator voted in the 2015 General Assembly on the bills that CAC was tracking. We consider that 80% is a passing grade for the legislators, meaning that if their "Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage" is 80% or above, they are working to protect consumers in the State House. If their percentage is below 80%, they are not working to protect consumers.

For bill details and your legislators’ votes on the following bills, please click here to visit our Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

HB1082: Environmental Rules and Standards
Status: Vetoed by Gov. Pence

Would have made it illegal for Indiana’s Executive Branch to pass policies that are tighter for public health than what the U.S. EPA does, for those situations where the EPA has set standards. While the EPA has acted decisively to protect our air quality, there are many areas where the EPA has been, caweak. The EPA has not adequately protected the public from such serious environmental problems as pollution from fracking, factory farm manure pits, and outdoor wood boilers. HB 1082 was also called the “No More Stringent Than Bill”.

Votes on HB1082: 2 votes; both Anti-Consumer

HB1053: Regulation of packaging materials
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Amends the home rule statute to prohibit a local government unit from: (1) regulating: (A) certain activities with respect to reusable or disposable auxiliary containers designed for one time use or for transporting merchandise or food from food or retail facilities (auxiliary containers); or (B) a manufacturer of, a distributor of, or a food or retail facility that sells, provides, or otherwise makes use of, auxiliary containers, in connection with certain activities involving auxiliary containers; or (2) imposing any prohibition, restriction, fee, or tax with respect to auxiliary containers or to a manufacturer of, a distributor of, or a food or retail facility that sells, provides, or otherwise makes use of, auxiliary containers, in connection with certain activities involving auxiliary containers.
Essentially, HB 1053 completely does away with local control by preempting city or county policies regulating plastic bags.

Votes on HB 1053: Anti-Consumer

SB15: Fresh Food Initiative
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Establishes the food desert grant and loan program within the state department of health's division of nutrition and physical activity to assist new businesses, existing businesses, and other legal entities to offer fresh and unprocessed foods within a food desert. Defines "food desert". Requires the division to establish: (1) criteria for awarding grants and making loans under the program; and (2) terms and conditions for recipients of the grants and loans. Provides that the recipient of a grant or loan: (1) may use the proceeds only to acquire, repair, or renovate property or equipment to be used in offering fresh and unprocessed foods within a food desert; and (2) shall not use the proceeds to acquire food to be sold. Establishes the food deserts fund for purposes of awarding grants and loans under the program.

Votes on SB15: Pro-Consumer

SB347: Water resources
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

This bill enables more comprehensive reporting of water resource issues including water distribution challenges and infrastructure needs.

Votes on SB347: Pro-Consumer

SB383: System integrity adjustments
Status:Signed into law by Gov. Pence

SB383 creates a new tracker for water utilities to use for infrastructure improvements and repairs with some important “first of its kind” accountability measures imposed on the utility.
More importantly, SB383 includes a new policy statement from the legislature, which is applicable to all public utilities, declaring that utility bills should be affordable for current and future generations. CAC offered strong support for this important policy direction from the legislature.

Votes on SB383: Pro-Consumer


2015 Voting Records: Representative David Ober (R-Uniondale, District 82)

Campaign contributions from the Energy & Natural Resources sector, 2006 - present: $8,400
(Includes money taken from the following industries: utilities, coal, mining, oil, natural gas, steel, and environmental services & equipment.),2014,2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006&f-core=1&c-t-eid=10885742&d-ccg=5

Pro-Consumer Percentage: 0%
The following is a synopsis of how the Representative voted in the 2015 General Assembly on the bills that CAC was tracking. We consider that 80% is a passing grade for the legislators, meaning that if their "Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage" is 80% or above, they are working to protect consumers in the State House. If their percentage is below 80%, they are not working to protect consumers.

For bill details and your legislators’ votes on the following bills, please click here to visit our Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

SB 412: Demand side management
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

After the State Legislature killed Indiana’s incredibly effective efficiency programs (Energizing Indiana) last year, Gov. Pence promised a strong efficiency bill this year. What we got instead was a bill that allows utilities to run their own efficiency programs without strong goals being set in Indiana’s energy policy. It allows utilities to steal the economic benefits of energy efficiency from customers by charging us hundreds of millions for energy we don’t use because of efficiency measures. This bill is so bad, Hoosiers would be better off without any bill at all.

Vote on SB 412: 3 votes; all Anti-Consumer

HB1351: Restrictions on rulemaking
Status: Died in the Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee

Voids state administrative rules, guidelines, and other policies or standards that are not specifically authorized by state statue or do not implement a federal requirement. Establishes the office of regulatory accountability in the legislative services agency to review administrative rules for compliance with regulatory goals specified by the general assembly.

Vote on HB 1351: Anti-Consumer

SJR 2: Right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife
Status: As a joint resolution, SJR2 did not require the Governor's approval. The measure was approved by two consecutive and separately elected legislative bodies for placement into Indiana's Constitution.

Senate Joint Resolution 2 is an amendment to the Indiana State Constitution "that provides that the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife is a valued part of Indiana's heritage and shall be forever preserved for the public good."

CAC's concern with this bill was that it is unnecessary and that "wildlife" is not well defined, so this proposed amendment could put the interests of big farmers above those of other Hoosiers. Granting factory farms special protection in the Indiana State Constitution puts an end to local control, taking away to the ability of local communities to pass local ordinances that protect their interests. No industry should have special protections in the Indiana Constitution.

Vote on SJR2: Anti-Consumer


2014 Voting Records: Representative David Ober (R-Uniondale, District 82)

Campaign contributions from the Energy & Natural Resources sector, 2006 - present: $2,400
(Includes money taken from the following industries: utilities, coal, mining, oil, natural gas, steel, and environmental services & equipment.),2014,2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006&f-core=1&c-t-eid=10885742&d-ccg=5#[{1|gro=d-id

Pro-Consumer Percentage: 14%
The following is a synopsis of how the Senator voted in the 2014 General Assembly on the bills that CAC was tracking. We consider that 80% is a passing grade for the legislators, meaning that if their "Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage" is 80% or above, they are working to protect consumers in the State House. If their percentage is below 80%, they are not working to protect consumers.

For bill details and your legislators’ votes on the following bills, please click here to visit our Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

SB 340: Demand Side Management Programs
Status: Became law without Gov. Pence's signature
CAC fought long and hard to help bring energy efficiency programs to Indiana.  These programs have been running for a couple of years now, and they're working - energy efficiency is reducing the demand for electricity in our state.  This reduces the need to build more power plants, which means we don't have to pay for more power plants, which keeps our electric bills from skyrocketing. 
SB340 dismantles energy efficiency programs in Indiana.  SB340 is simply bad public policy.

Vote on SB 340: 2 votes; both Anti-Consumer

SB 186: State Policy on Agriculture and Farmers' Rights
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Senate Bill 186 is being promoted as a way to protect farmer’s rights.  In reality this bill puts the interests of big farmers above those of other Hoosiers.  It is completely unnecessary and puts other property owners, our environment and rural communities at risk.  Granting factory farms special protection in state law will put an end to local control, taking away to the ability of local communities to pass local ordinances that protect their interests.  No industry should have special protections in the law. Many Hoosiers who live in close proximity to factory farms are already suffering from their effects.  Our rights need to be protected!

Vote on SB 186: 2 votes; both Anti-Consumer

SJR 9: Right to Hunt, Fish, and Harvest Wildlife
Status: Passed the 2014 Indiana General Assembly. This is a proposed constitutional amendment, so it can now be proposed again in the next session of the legislature that convenes after a general election has taken place.

Provides that the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife is a valued part of Indiana's heritage and shall be forever preserved for the public good. CAC's concern with this bill is that "wildlife" is not well defined, and so this bill could turn into something akin to SB186 (above).

Vote on SJR 9: Anti-Consumer

SB 101: Agricultural Operations and Criminal Tresspass (Ag Gag)
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Senate Bill 101, the 2014 version of Ag-Gag, would have had a chilling effect on the public’s right to know how our food is produced and processed.  In its original form, this bill would have made it a crime to expose illegal or unethical practices at farms in Indiana.
We were able to neutralize the bill's impact on consumers with the amendments that were inserted in the Senate committee, and we helped to keep bad language from creeping back into the bill as it moved through the process.  We are pleased that once again this year we helped to stop big ag's attempts to operate in secret and to preemptively prevent whistleblowers from exposing their inhumane and unsafe practices. 

Vote on SB 101: 2 votes; both Anti-Consumer

HB 1391: CHOICE program
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Changes asset limitations within the community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled program (program) from $500,000 to $250,000 and specifies certain exemptions.  This bill expands the CHOICE Home Care Program to allow more Hoosiers to have access to the in-home care services they need.  For more on the CHOICE program, click here.

Vote on HB 1391: 3 votes; all Pro-Consumer

HB 1162: Certificates of Need for Utilities
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

The issue of competitive procurement was brought to the General Assembly in an attempt to bring fairness and transparency to the process of the electric utilities decision making process with respect to securing resources to serve the needs of their customers. Currently, Indiana law does not require the utilities to conduct a public bidding process when they need additional generation resources, whether they need new generation or are considering expensive modifications to existing resources.  A public and  transparent process would help to ensure that the utilities were in fact selecting the resource which would provide service to their customers at the “least cost” reasonably possible.  However, HB1162 was amended in the House Utility Committee to cement the existing, flawed process into law, which changes nothing and creates the false appearance that Indiana now has a “competitive” process in place.  HB1162 is nothing more than an attempt by the utility lobby to put an end to this necessary conversation and maintain the status quo.

Vote on HB 1162: Anti-Consumer

HB1143: Environmental Rules and Standards
Status: Died in the Senate Environmental Affairs Committee

Would have prohibited the environmental rules board from adopting a rule or standard that is more stringent than the corresponding regulation or standard established under federal law. Makes corresponding changes in the law concerning the adoption of environmental rules.

Vote on HB 1143: Anti-Consumer


2013 Voting Records: Representative David Ober (R, District 82)

2012 Campaign Contributions accepted from Utility, Coal, Oil and Railroad Corporations: $800

Pro-Consumer Percentage: 25%
The following is a synopsis of how the Representative voted in the 2013 General Assembly on the bills that CAC was tracking. We consider that 80% is a passing grade for the legislators, meaning that if their "Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage" is 80% or above, they are working to protect consumers in the State House. If their percentage is below 80%, they are not working to protect consumers.

For bill details and your legislators’ votes on the following bills, please click here to visit our 2013 Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

SB 560 Utility Transmission
Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence
This bill will virtually allow Indiana electric and natural gas to raise your rates automatically, and at the same time deregulate most of their monopoly revenue and profits.

Rep. Ober's vote on SB 560: 6 Votes - all Anti-Consumer

SB 494/510 Substitute Natural Gas
Signed into law by Gov. Pence
Restores some regulatory oversight over the proposed Indiana Gasification/Leucadia coal-to-gas plant in Rockport, IN by defining what is meant by a "guarantee of savings" to ratepayers and requiring the IURC to ensure that ratepayers are provided an actual guarantee of savings from this project.

The original language in SB510 promised to protect consumers from unreasonable and excessive charges for substitute natural gas (SNG) from the proposed Indiana Gasification/Leucadia coal-to-gas plant in Rockport, IN. SB 510 died in the House.

Rep. Ober's vote on SB 494/510: 2 Votes - both Pro-Consumer

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