Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)

Indiana General Assembly

Pro-Consumer Voting Percentages

& Campaign Contributions


 2015   20%   $800     2020   44%   $6,100 
 2016   63%   $800   2021   28%   $6,100 
 2017   63%   $800   2022   75%   $13,350 
 2018   70%   $6,100   Cumulative:   44%   
 2019   35%   $6,100       


CAC considers that 80% is a passing grade for the legislators, meaning that if their Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage is 80% or above, they are working to protect consumers in the Indiana Statehouse. If their percentage is below 80%, they are not working to protect consumers.

The cumulative voting record percentage represents voting records from the last 10 years.

Campaign contribution information comes from, and includes money taken from the Energy and Natural Resources industries, including: utilities, coal, mining, oil, natural gas, steel, and environmental services & equipment.

The campaign contributions represent money taken in the previous 11 years.




Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)


2022 Campaign Contributions: $13,350

2012 - 2022


2022 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage: 75%

For bill details, visit our 2022 Indiana General Assembly page.

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HB1111: Utility Regulatory Commission Reporting and Rules

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

IURC agency bill, authorizes FERC Order 2222 rulemaking

Committee Votes on HB1111: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1111: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


HB1196: Homeowners Associations and Solar Power

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

HB1196 makes it harder for Homeowners Associations to prohibit residents from adding solar panels.

Committee Votes on HB1196: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1196: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


HB1209: Carbon Sequestration Projects

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Outlines a framework for entities conducting carbon capture and sequestration in Indiana (CCS - underground storage of toxic, liquefied, and highly pressurized carbon dioxide). Addresses issues related to CCS, including mineral rights, pore space ownership, permitting for pipelines and storage related activities, and creates the carbon storage facility trust fund. Seeks to protect adjacent landowners with notification and compensation - with “forced pooling” if 60% of the pore space area approves. It does not speak to the controversial immunity provisions. However, it does require that the State of Indiana assume ownership and the associated liability 10 years after a certificate of completion is issued by DNR.

Committee Votes on HB1209: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1209: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


HB1221: Electric Vehicles and Electricity Pricing

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

As introduced, HB1221 exempted (non-utility) owners and hosts of EVs and EV charging stations from regulation by IURC, authorizes hosts and owners of EV supply equipment who make the equipment available to the public to charge by the kwh, defines an electric utility “EV pilot” program for jurisdictional utilities, authorizes utilities to file for approval of pilot programs, authorizes the IURC to approve the pilot programs and the associated cost recovery. It was amended in the Senate Utilities Committee to require that any businesses that host EV chargers purchase the electricity for the chargers from the monopoly utility that is the provider for their geographical region. This means that they cannot generate their own electricity for the EV chargers (even if they are already generating their own electricity).

Committee Votes on HB1221: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1221: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB147: Underground Pumped Storage Hydropower

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Adds underground pumped hydro to the definition of clean energy and renewable energy.

Committee Votes on SB147: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB147: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB265: Carbon Sequestration Pilot Project

Status: Died in the House

HB1249 & SB265 are being pushed by a privately-owned corporation known as Wabash Valley Resources who is claiming that they will develop the largest carbon capture and sequestration project (CCS) ever in the US. They opine that it is a climate change mitigation strategy, but the best way to mitigate climate change is to NOT produce carbon dioxide in the first place.

Committee Votes on SB265: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB265: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB271: Small Modular Nuclear Reactors

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

SB271 will shift the financial risk to captive consumers by extending the subsidy that is Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) to Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMRs - baby nukes). CWIP allows utilities to charge ratepayers for power plants while they are under construction, before they are producing any electricity, and even if they NEVER produce any electricity. It should be noted that this technology is in no way commercially viable at this current moment in time. No public utility in the U.S. has built any SMRs, and there are no operating SMRs in the U.S. at all.

Committee Votes on SB271: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB271: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer


SB272: Wastewater Infrastructure

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Adopts the recommendations of the Wastewater Task Force.

Committee Votes on SB272: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB272: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer


SB273: Financing of Water and Wastewater Utility Assets

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Provides a new tracker to the water/wastewater utilities to “to permit a utility to recover increased costs resulting from referenda or from decisions made by elected officials or governmental entities.”, provides the water and wastewater utilities additional trackers under certain circumstances.

Committee Votes on SB273: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB273: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB411: Commercial Solar and Wind Energy (siting bill)

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Creates default standards for the siting of commercial-scale wind and solar projects, creates incentives for communities to become solar-energy ready and wind-energy ready communities.

Committee Votes on SB411: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB411: 2 votes, both Anti-Consumer




Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)


2021 Campaign Contributions: $6,100

2011 - 2021


2021 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage: 28%

For bill details, visit our 2021 Indiana General Assembly page.

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HB1164: Various Utility Matters

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

HB1164 expanded the authority of telecommunication providers to place small cell (5G) wireless structures, generally defined as 50 ft. or less, in communities, and prohibits those communities from imposing any restrictions on the height of the structures or the distance between each structure. The bill effectively grants telecommunication providers eminent domain to place 5G towers and infrastructure in public right of ways. The bill also further diminishes IURC authority over telecommunications providers by eliminating certain reporting requirements, such as filing their tariffs or information regarding the services they offer.

Committee Votes on HB1164: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1164: 8 votes, all Anti-Consumer


HB1191: Local unit power to prohibit utility connection

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Because of climate change, there is a movement by cities and towns in certain parts of the country to ban natural gas hookups for new construction in order to move away from fossil fuels and to electrify America to enable a shift to 100% renewable energy. While there is no municipality in Indiana talking about this, the intent of this bill is to circumvent the possibility of this happening in Indiana. The reality is that HB1191 only protects monopoly utilities; nothing in this bill protects the rights of private property owners to generate their own energy or lease (or not lease) their land to third parties for energy generation. It does little or nothing to advance renewable energy in Indiana; in fact, it flies in the face of policies designed to mitigate the impact of the existential threat of climate change. HB1191 is short-sighted and forecloses the opportunity to have a meaningful dialogue around long-term policies designed to address climate change and climate justice.

Committee Votes on HB1191: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1191: 5 votes, all Anti-Consumer


HB1287: Water or wastewater service

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

HB1287 is a continuation of the policy conversation related to ensuring that all Hoosiers have access to clean water and functioning sewers. The bill is designed to make extending water and wastewater service more affordable for unserved or underserved communities by eliminating deposit requirements for customers under certain circumstances.

Committee Votes on HB1287: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1287: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


HB1381: Commercial wind and solar standards and siting

Status: Died in the Senate

HB1381 would have created default standards for the siting of commercial scale solar and wind projects in an effort to expand investments in clean and renewable energy in Indiana. The bill would have voided the ordinances adopted by certain counties which prohibit, or otherwise restrict, the development of renewable energy in Indiana, if those ordinances established siting requirements that were more restrictive than the standards that would have been established in the bill.

Committee Votes on HB1381: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer

Senate Floor Votes on HB1381: none – HB1381 was never called down for a third reading vote in the Senate.


HB1449: Broadband development

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

HB1449 established stronger standards for broadband service by increasing the requirements related to the speed of the connection. The bill also prioritized public school corporations, rural health centers, and homes with k-12 students for the purposes of awarding grants from the rural broadband fund. The bill also authorized funds from the rural broadband fund to be used for financial assistance for customers who otherwise would not be able to afford the service.

Committee Votes on HB1449: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1449: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


HB1520: Electric utility reliability adequacy metrics

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

This bill was the result of a recommendation from the Energy Task Force. The bill requires that the utilities operate and maintain their power plants using “good utility practices”. It requires that the utilities file a report with the IURC detailing the resources that they own and operate, or otherwise procure under contract in the markets, to serve their customers with reliable energy. And the bill empowers the IURC to order the utilities to acquire or construct resources should the IURC determine that the utilities do not have adequate resources to serve their customers. CAC believes that this bill is unnecessary, as it’s the utilities legal obligation to serve the customers, and the bill is redundant, as the utilities are already required to do short-term and long-term planning at the IURC and must meet reliability requirements established by the grid operators and the Federal government. The bill creates additional and unneeded bureaucracy and regulation and may ultimately create unnecessary legislative intrusion into the markets depending on how the bill is implemented and used.

Committee Votes on HB1520: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1520: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer


HB1581: Redistricting

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

HB1581 is the bill that creates the new legislative district maps based on the 2020 census. These maps will go into effect on the date of the 2022 election. The maps for the Indiana State Representatives and Indiana's 9 Congressional Districts were drawn by the Indiana House Republicans. The map for the Indiana State Senators was drawn by the Indiana Senate Republicans.

Committee Votes on HB1581: none

Senate Floor Votes on HB1581: 9 votes, all Anti-Consumer


SB352: Broadband Development

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

SB352 is designed to bring more transparency to, as well as streamline the application process at the Office of Community and Rural Affairs for providers seeking to provide broadband service to unserved or underserved communities.

Committee Votes on SB352: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB352: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer


SB359: Broadband Projects

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

SB359 required INDOT to create a broadband corridor program, the Dig Once Program, in the continued effort to further enable to deployment of broadband service to unserved and underserved communities.

Committee Votes on SB359: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer

Senate Floor Votes on SB359: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer


SB373: Carbon credit programs

Status: Died in Conference Committee

This bill was pushed by Wabash Valley Resources, and would have granted eminent domain to private corporations to force Hoosier property owners to allow dangerous carbon dioxide waste to be stored long-term underneath their properties without their consent. This bill put Hoosiers on the hook for the long-term costs and liabilities associated with any problems which can occur as a result of storing carbon dioxide waste underground.

Committee Votes on SB373: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB373: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer


SB377: Broadband Development

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

SB377 created the Indiana Broadband Connectivity Program in the continued effort to further enable to deployment of broadband service to unserved and underserved communities. The program established a public portal through which individuals may report that they do not have access to broadband service that meets the minimum requirements related to the speed of the connection. The program would allow broadband providers to bid every 3 months for grants to provide service to those individuals who currently lack an adequate connection.

Committee Votes on SB377: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB377: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer


SB386: Securitization

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Across the country and in Indiana, utilities are finding it cheaper to invest in new renewables than it is to keep operating their current generation assets, most notably their aging coal plants. However, with traditional utility financing, customers often do not see big savings in the short term from cheaper energy, and may instead see their rates spike. Utilizing securitization could lower the costs to customers by reducing the interest rate and spreading out the timeline which customers would pay for the unrecovered costs related to the coal plant being retired. Additionally, proceeds from securitization could provide needed financial assistance for both the communities who will lose tax revenues when these coal plants retire, and the workers who will need help transitioning to new employment.

Committee Votes on SB386: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB386: 2 votes; 1 Anti-Consumer, 1 Pro-Consumer


SB389: Repeals state regulated wetlands law

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Repeals the law requiring a permit from the department of environmental management for wetland activity in a state regulated wetland. Makes corresponding changes to eliminate references to that law. States that the repeal of that law is not intended to affect: (1) the regulation in Indiana under the federal Clean Water Act of the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States; or (2) the authorization of the state of Indiana to administer the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program.

Committee Votes on SB389: none

Senate Floor Votes on SB389: 3 votes, all Anti-Consumer




Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)


2020 Campaign Contributions: $6,100

2010 - 2020


2020 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage: 44%

For bill details, visit our 2020 Indiana General Assembly page.

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HB1414: Electric generation

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

House Bill 1414 obstructs Indiana’s electric utilities’ ability to retire their dirty, expensive, and outdated coal-fired power plants. It is designed to keep Indiana in the dark ages by delaying and obstructing our transition to clean energy. It is a deliberate attempt by the coal interests to convince Indiana lawmakers to use the heavy hand of government to interfere with the markets and protect Indiana’s fleet of coal-fired power plants. The effort is being led by Alliance Coal, Hallador Energy, and White Stallion Energy, who have been aggressively peddling their influence and money at the Indiana Statehouse.

Senate Floor Votes on HB1414: 2 votes, both Anti-Consumer


HB1265: Drinking water testing

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Requires that the drinking water in every child care center, child care home, child care ministry site, child care program site, child caring institution, and school building be tested before January 1, 2023, for compliance with the national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper. Provides, however, that the testing requirement is satisfied if the drinking water of the child care facility or school building has already been tested for compliance with the national primary drinking water regulations at least once since 2016. Provides that if a test of the drinking water of a child care facility or school building indicates the presence of lead in the water equal to or greater than the federal lead action level of 15 parts per billion, the person or entity having authority over the child care facility or school building is required to take action to reduce the lead levels in the drinking water to less than 15 parts per billion. The bill originally only applied to Lake County, but after a column entitled "High lead levels were found in our school water — but not where you would think" was published in the Indy Star on 1/26/20, HB1265 was amended to apply to the entire state.

Committee Votes on HB1265: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer

Senate Floor Votes on HB1265: 2 votes; 1 Anti-Consumer, 1 Pro-Consumer


SB229: Maintenance of regulated drains

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Provides that a permit is not required from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management for the reconstruction or maintenance of regulated drains for purposes of the law concerning state regulated wetlands. SB229 deregulates the drain pipes that drain into Indiana wetlands. This will almost certainly result in more toxins being dumped into Indiana waterways.

Committee Votes on SB229: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer

Senate Floor Votes on SB229: 2 votes, both Anti-Consumer


SB170: Mine reclamation tax credit

Status: Died in the House Ways and Means Committee

Provides a tax credit for a taxpayer that enters into an agreement with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) for a qualified investment for development of property located on reclaimed coal mining land. Provides for the assignment of the credit by a taxpayer to certain lessees. Provides that a taxpayer is not entitled to the credit if the IEDC determines that the taxpayer has substantially reduced or ceased its operations in Indiana in order to relocate them within the mine reclamation site. Provides that Spencer County is subject to a provision of the area planning law concerning urban areas.

Committee Votes on SB170: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer

Senate Floor Votes on SB170: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer


SB214: Testing of school drinking water for lead

Status: Died in the House Environmental Affairs Committee

Requires testing of the drinking water in every school building in Lake County at least once in each period of two calendar years to determine whether the drinking water exceeds the lead action level for drinking water established by regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Committee Votes on SB214: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer

Senate Floor Votes on SB214: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB102: Interim study committee on utility taxes and fees

Status: Died; was never assigned to a committee in the House

Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee (committee) to study the topic of fees and taxes that are collected through utility bills, telecommunication bills, and video service bills. Specifies that the committee will consider: (1) how the fees and taxes are used; (2) the factors driving increased fees and taxes; (3) the best practices of other states; and (4) the potential for reform or reduction of fees and taxes.

Senate Floor Votes on SB102: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB254: Water and wastewater utilities

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Amends the law allowing the adjustment of a water or wastewater utility's rates and charges to enable the utility to recover the cost of eligible infrastructure improvements, by providing that the general maximum limit on the revenues used in determining the adjustment does not apply to infrastructure improvement costs associated with the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of a highway, street, or road. Amends the law that allows a public water utility to treat the costs of replacing customer-owned lead service lines as eligible infrastructure improvements for which a utility's rates and charges may be adjusted, by providing that the law applies to municipally owned utilities as well as public utilities. Establishes a procedure under which a public utility, municipally owned utility, or not-for-profit utility that provides water or wastewater service to the public and is under the jurisdiction of the commission for the approval of rates and charges may seek to recover, through a periodic rate adjustment, the cost of certain utility plant or equipment expenditures that are related to compliance with environmental requirements or made for health, safety, or environmental protection purposes.

Senate Floor Votes on SB254: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB368: Study of carbon sequestration

Status: Died in the House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee

Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee for the 2020 interim the task of studying carbon sequestration through forest preservation and carbon farming.

Committee Votes on SB368: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer

Senate Floor Votes on SB368: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer




Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)


2019 Campaign Contributions: $6,100

2009 - 2019


2019 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage: 35%

For bill details, visit our 2019 Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

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SB4: Water and wastewater utilities and runoff

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb

Requires the Indiana Finance Authority to study the water and wastewater utilities across Indiana to assess the water infrastructure and needs across the state. Requires each utility to perform an annual audit of their water systems to identify water losses and begin reigning in waste. Urges the Indiana General Assembly to assign an appropriate interim study committee to study issues regarding water systems across Indiana.

Senate Floor Votes on SB4: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer 


SB105: Redistricting standards

Status: Died in the House Elections and Apportionment Committee

SB105 is a good bill, but it only deals with one element of redistricting reform, which is the criteria used to draw the district maps. It does not address who is drawing the maps, but rather leaves the state legislators in charge of drawing their own districts. Furthermore, the criteria in the bill does not include language regarding incumbent candidates or party affiliation.

Senate Floor Votes on SB105: 3 votes, all Anti-Consumer 


SB442: Underground storage of carbon dioxide

Status: Signed into law by Governor Holcomb

SB442 grants eminent domain to private corporations to force Hoosier property owners to allow dangerous carbon dioxide waste captured from dirty manufacturing facilities, like ammonia plants and coal-fired power plants, to be stored long-term underneath their properties without their consent. Additionally, SB442 puts Hoosiers on the hook for the long-term costs and liabilities associated with any problems which can occur as a result of storing carbon dioxide waste underground.

SB442 is being pushed by a privately-owned corporation known as Wabash Valley Resources. They are claiming it is a climate change mitigation strategy, but the best way to mitigate climate change is not to produce carbon dioxide in the first place. This is clearly another huge science experiment for which another private corporation wants to force Indiana taxpayers to assume liability.

Committee Votes on SB442: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer 

Senate Floor Votes on SB442: 2 votes; 1 Pro-Consumer, 1 Anti-Consumer 


SB471: Offenses involving critical infrastructure

Status: Signed into law by Governor Holcomb

SB471 threatens the Constitutional Rights of all Hoosiers, including Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and Freedom of Association. It will impose high criminal punishment for offenses involving “critical infrastructure facilities,” which it defines as places such as power plants, pipelines, refineries, and dams, among many others. This legislation elevates the misdemeanor of trespass to a FELONY offense, punishable with up to 2½ years in prison and a $10,000 fine. If property damage occurs, the offense is punishable by up to six years and a $10,000 fine. The bill goes even further to make entire groups of people collectively liable for the actions of one individual. Any organization that simply verbalizes support for an individual, an organization, or an action, can be found guilty of an offense under this legislation, and could be fined up to $100,000. SB471 is riddled with ambiguity and will have an enormous chilling effect on the Constitutional Rights of Hoosiers.

Senate Floor Votes on SB471: 2 votes, both Anti-Consumer 


SB472: Utility rates and acquisitions

Status: Signed into law by Governor Holcomb.

SB472 was originally an attempt to modify and clarify regulatory laws around the acquisition of municipally owned water and wastewater utilities by larger investor-owned water utilities. This bill is an attempt to address the heart of the water & wastewater issues facing residents in Lake Station, IN, and Charlestown, IN.

Senate Floor Votes on SB472: 2 votes; 1 Pro-Consumer, 1 Anti-Consumer 


SB613: Consumer credit (Payday lending)

Status: Died in the House

SB613 would create new payday installment loans of up to $1,800 in addition to the current payday products Indiana already offers. Plus, with these loans, lenders could add on fun stuff like credit insurance to make them even more expensive. CAC supports the lead taken by The Indiana Institute for Working Families in fighting to stop the passage of this bill.

Senate Floor Votes on SB613: 2 votes, both Anti-Consumer


HB1266: Sediment and erosion control in construction

Status: Signed into law by Governor Holcomb

Prohibits a community from requiring erosion and sediment control measures that are more stringent than those required by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). HB1266 removes a measure of local control that communities have over construction projects within their communities.

Committee Votes on HB1266: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer 

Senate Floor Votes on HB1266: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer 


HB1278: Environmental matters

Status: Signed into law by Governor Holcomb

Prohibits a community from requiring erosion and sediment control measures that are more stringent than those required by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). HB1266 removes a measure of local control that communities have over construction projects within their communities.

Committee Votes on HB1278: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer 

Senate Floor Votes on HB1278: 3 votes; 2 Pro-Consumer, 1 Anti-Consumer


HB1331: Homeowners associations and solar power

Status: Died in Conference Committee

Prohibits homeowners associations (HOAs) from prohibiting homeowners within the association from installing solar systems on their homes; imposing unreasonable limitations on the owner's ability to install or use a solar energy system; and requiring the removal of a solar energy system that has been installed. Provides, however, that a homeowners association may require preapproval of the location of a solar energy system and of the manner in which the solar energy system is installed. Applies only to rules, covenants, declarations of restrictions, and other governing documents adopted or amended by a homeowners association after June 30, 2019.

Senate Floor Votes on HB1331: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer 


HB1406: Water infrastructure assistance fund and program

Status: Signed into law by Governor Holcomb

HB1406 is a response to a very real clean water crisis that is growing across Indiana. Across the country and across our state, water delivery infrastructure is crumbling. It has not been properly maintained since it was originally installed. In many cases, the water delivery infrastructure has gone over 100 years without any real maintenance. HB1406 is designed to allow the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) to have access to money from the State of Indiana to be able to create and manage loans for these small utilities to be able to make the necessary upgrades to their systems, while simultaneously allowing them to phase in the necessary rate increases over time in order to pay the loans back. The goal is to ensure that customers of these small utilities have access to clean water, while also preventing them from getting a jolting rate shock on their water and wastewater bills all at once.

Senate Floor Votes on HB1406: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer 


HB1470: Utility transmission improvements and costs

Status: Signed into law by Governor Holcomb

HB1470 is a clear attempt by Indiana’s monopoly utilities to usurp the regulatory process so they can raise your rates as much as they want, whenever they want. HB1470 amends the controversial Senate Enrolled Act 560 (SEA560, 2013), which gave Indiana’s electric and natural gas utilities a tracker to raise your rates virtually automatically for the costs related to investments in transmission and distribution infrastructure. This tracker is commonly referred to as the TDSIC (Transmission, Distribution, and Storage Improvement Charge).

HB1470 will effectively guarantee that captive Hoosier gas and electric customers will face ENORMOUS increases in their monthly utility bills. HB1470 mandates that the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission approve the TDSIC tracker even if the utilities have no idea what they will spend your money on. HB1470 mandates that the IURC allow the utilities to force you to pay for smart meters by including the cost of smart meters in the TDSIC tracker.

Senate Floor Votes on HB1470: 4 votes, all Anti-Consumer 




Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)


2018 Campaign Contributions: $6,100

2008 - 2018


2018 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage: 70%

For bill details, visit our 2018 Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

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SB11: Eligibility for supplemental nutrition assistance

Status: Died in the House Family, Children and Human Affairs, but language was amended into HB1317 (Health Matters), which was signed into law by the Governor.

SB11 opts Indiana out of the federal law prohibiting people convicted of certain drug offenses from receiving SNAP assistance. However, if the people who qualify for this violate any terms of their probation, parole, community corrections, or reentry court program, they will be ineligible for SNAP.

Senate Floor Votes on SB11: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB207: Homeowners associations and solar power

Status: Died in the House Judiciary Committee.

SB207 would have set solar-friendly guidelines in place for Homeowners Associations in crafting their covenants. It would restrict HOAs from prohibiting residents from installing solar panels. The bill was not retroactive, meaning it would not affect existing HOA covenants.

Senate Floor Votes on SB207: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB326: Redistricting standards

Status: Died in the House Elections & Apportionment Committee.

SB326 was a good start toward redistricting reform in Indiana. It would have created a set of standards that redistricting proposals would have to meet, including important criteria like compactness and keeping communities of interest - like towns and neighborhoods - in the same district whenever possible.

SB326 was a step in the right direction, but it didn't go far enough. SB326 addressed HOW the districts are drawn, but it needed to be strengthened to create an independent, bi-partisan redistricting commission in order to address WHO is drawing the district maps and put an end to political gerrymandering in Indiana.

Senate Floor Votes on SB326: 3 votes; 2 Anti-Consumer, 1 Pro-Consumer


SB361: Water infrastructure task force

Status: Died in the House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications Committee.

SB361 would have established a water infrastructure task force to study drinking water systems and wastewater management systems and to develop a long term plan for addressing drinking water and wastewater needs in Indiana.

Senate Floor Votes on SB361: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB362: Regulation of water and wastewater systems

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb.

Provides that a public utility, conservancy district, or regional water or sewage district that is organized as a legal entity after June 30, 2018 to provide water or wastewater service to the public is subject to the jurisdiction of the Indiana utility regulatory commission for the period of 10 years beginning on the day on which it is organized as a legal entity.

Senate Floor Votes on SB362: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer


SB411: Distressed Utilities

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb.

The bill undercuts the regulatory process in any case involving the acquisition of a distressed water or wastewater utility which is placed before the Commission for approval. The bill would not only eliminate the ability of interested stakeholders to challenge, or even review, the sale price of the distressed utility. It would effectively turn the Commission into a rubber stamp, forcing the Commission to accept the sale price, no questions asked. This is a bridge too far which would make the Commission proceedings little more than a ministerial process, and remove any and all ability or authority the Commission may have in protecting consumers during these acquisition proceedings.

Senate Floor Votes on SB411: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer


HB1267: Water infrastructure task force 

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Holcomb.

Establishes a water infrastructure task force to study Indiana’s drinking water systems, wastewater management systems, and storm water management systems. This bill charges the task force with the responsibility of developing a long term plan for addressing drinking water, wastewater, and storm water management needs in Indiana. Requires the task force to submit a report containing certain recommendations to the general assembly and the governor not later than December 1, 2018.

Senate Floor Votes on HB1267: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer




Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)


2017 Campaign Contributions: $800

2007 - 2017


2017 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage: 63%

For bill details, visit our 2017 Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

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SB309: Distributed Generation

Status: Signed in law by Gov. Pence

SB309 places a permanent prohibition on net metering in 5 years and ends net metering permanently in 30 years. This bill is an attempt by Indiana’s electric monopoly utilities to quash the rooftop solar industry and prevent homeowners and small businesses from generating their own energy on their own property using the power of the sun, the wind, and other renewable energy resources.

Senate Floor Votes on SB309: 3 votes; 2 Anti-Consumer, 1 Pro-Consumer


HB1519: Infrastructure development zone utility service 

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

HB1519 puts in place a process which allows water utilities to acquire future water resources for the purpose of serving their customers and authorizes water utilities to seek approval from the Commission to replace customer-owned lead service lines. Additionally, the bill authorizes water and wastewater utilities to create a low-income assistance program in an attempt to insulate vulnerable Hoosier households from the significant increases in water and sewer bills by making their monthly bills more affordable

Senate Floor Votes on HB1519: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB416: Infrastructure assistance fund

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

SB416 creates a fund to assist communities struggling with the current funding challenges they face in maintaining and upgrading their water and wastewater infrastructure. The fund will allow communities and local utilities to seek grants, loans, and other financial assistance in an attempt to mitigate rate increases on consumers and reduce the financial burden on water utilities and local governments.

Senate Floor Votes on SB416: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer


SB511: Water and wastewater utilities

Status: Died in the Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications Committee

Requires the Indiana finance authority to study the ability of utilities to provide clean and safe drinking water in Indiana for the foreseeable future.

Senate Floor Votes on SB511: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB500: Home owner associations and solar power

Status: Died in the Judiciary Committee

Currently, many homeowner’s associations (HOA) severely restrict the use of solar panels on homes, or outright prohibit the installation of solar panels. The bill would prohibit an HOA from preventing a homeowner from installing solar panels or from placing onerous and unnecessary restrictions on the use of solar energy.

Senate Floor Votes on SB500: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer




Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)


2016 Campaign Contributions: $800

2006 - 2016


2016 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage: 63%

For bill details, visit our 2016 Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

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HB1082: Environmental Rules and Standards

Status: Vetoed by Gov. Pence

Would have made it illegal for Indiana’s Executive Branch to pass policies that are tighter for public health than what the U.S. EPA does, for those situations where the EPA has set standards. While the EPA has acted decisively to protect our air quality, there are many areas where the EPA has been weak. The EPA has not adequately protected the public from such serious environmental problems as pollution from fracking, factory farm manure pits, and outdoor wood boilers. HB1082 was also called the “No More Stringent Than Bill”.

Senate Floor Votes on HB1082: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer


HB1053: Regulation of packaging materials

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Amends the home rule statute to prohibit a local government unit from: (1) regulating: (A) certain activities with respect to reusable or disposable auxiliary containers designed for one time use or for transporting merchandise or food from food or retail facilities (auxiliary containers); or (B) a manufacturer of, a distributor of, or a food or retail facility that sells, provides, or otherwise makes use of, auxiliary containers, in connection with certain activities involving auxiliary containers; or (2) imposing any prohibition, restriction, fee, or tax with respect to auxiliary containers or to a manufacturer of, a distributor of, or a food or retail facility that sells, provides, or otherwise makes use of, auxiliary containers, in connection with certain activities involving auxiliary containers.

Essentially, HB1053 completely does away with local control by preempting city or county policies regulating plastic bags.

Senate Floor Votes on HB1053: 2 votes, both Anti-Consumer


SB15: Fresh Food Initiative

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

Establishes the food desert grant and loan program within the state department of health's division of nutrition and physical activity to assist new businesses, existing businesses, and other legal entities to offer fresh and unprocessed foods within a food desert. Defines "food desert". Requires the division to establish: (1) criteria for awarding grants and making loans under the program; and (2) terms and conditions for recipients of the grants and loans. Provides that the recipient of a grant or loan: (1) may use the proceeds only to acquire, repair, or renovate property or equipment to be used in offering fresh and unprocessed foods within a food desert; and (2) shall not use the proceeds to acquire food to be sold. Establishes the food deserts fund for purposes of awarding grants and loans under the program.

Senate Floor Votes on SB15: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer


SB347: Water resources

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

This bill enables more comprehensive reporting of water resource issues including water distribution challenges and infrastructure needs.

Senate Floor Votes on SB347: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer


SB383: System integrity adjustments

Status:Signed into law by Gov. Pence

SB383 creates a new tracker for water utilities to use for infrastructure improvements and repairs with some important “first of its kind” accountability measures imposed on the utility.

More importantly, SB383 includes a new policy statement from the legislature, which is applicable to all public utilities, declaring that utility bills should be affordable for current and future generations. CAC offered strong support for this important policy direction from the legislature.

Senate Floor Votes on SB383: 2 votes, both Pro-Consumer




Senator Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond, District 27)


2015 Campaign Contributions: $800

2005 - 2015


2015 Pro-Consumer Voting Percentage: 20%

For bill details, visit our 2015 Indiana General Assembly Bill Watch List.

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SB412: Demand side management

Status: Signed into law by Gov. Pence

After the State Legislature killed Indiana’s incredibly effective efficiency programs (Energizing Indiana) last year, Gov. Pence promised a strong efficiency bill this year. What we got instead was a bill that allows utilities to run their own efficiency programs without strong goals being set in Indiana’s energy policy. It allows utilities to steal the economic benefits of energy efficiency from customers by charging us hundreds of millions for energy we don’t use because of efficiency measures. This bill is so bad, Hoosiers would be better off without any bill at all.

Senate Floor Votes on SB412: 3 votes, all Anti-Consumer


SJR2: Right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife

Status: As a joint resolution, SJR2 did not require the Governor's approval. The measure was approved by two consecutive and separately elected legislative bodies for placement into Indiana's Constitution.

Senate Joint Resolution 2 is an amendment to the Indiana State Constitution "that provides that the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife is a valued part of Indiana's heritage and shall be forever preserved for the public good."

CAC's concern with this bill was that it is unnecessary and that "wildlife" is not well defined, so this proposed amendment could put the interests of big farmers above those of other Hoosiers. Granting factory farms special protection in the Indiana State Constitution puts an end to local control, taking away to the ability of local communities to pass local ordinances that protect their interests. No industry should have special protections in the Indiana Constitution.

Senate Floor Votes on SJR2: 1 vote, Anti-Consumer


SJR12: Right to farm and ranch

Status: Died in the Senate

Senate Joint Resolution 12 would have written into the Constitution of the State of Indiana a guarantee of the right of the people of Indiana to engage in diverse farming and ranching practices.

CAC's concern with this resolution was the same as the concern expressed for SJR2 (above).

Senate Floor Votes on SJR12: 1 vote, Pro-Consumer

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