Indiana-American Water Cases Before The IURC In Which CAC Has Intervened
Last update: May 2024
Active Cases
There are currently no active cases involving Indiana-American Water that CAC has intervened in.

Closed Cases
45870 - Indiana-American Water Rate Case
File date: 3/31/2023
Order date: 2/14/2024
Status: closed
You can get more detail about this case on our Indiana-American Water Rate Hike (2024) webpage.
In March 2023, Indiana-American Water Company filed for a $14/month rate hike before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. Indiana-American is seeking to increase its annual revenues by $87 million, or 31%, and has proposed implementing this increase in three steps (step 1 on 1/1/24, step 2 on 4/1/24, and step three on 1/1/25). If this rate hike is approved by the IURC, the typical water bill for a customer who uses 4,000 gallons a month would go up $14.47 a month, or about 80¢ a day, when fully implemented in 2025. Indiana-American is asking for a substantial bump in their profit margin, seeking to increase their current authorized return of 9.6% to an astonishing 10.4%.