NIPSCO Coal Ash Case, IURC Cause Number 45797

In Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Cause Number 45797, NIPSCO wants customers to pay for their coal ash cleanup (plus a profit) by raising rates more than $53 million.


NIPSCO is proposing to close three coal ash ponds at its coal-fired Schahfer power plant. It plans to remove most of the coal ash at these three coal ash ponds and put it into a lined landfill at the Schahfer site. NIPSCO’s closure plan for the three coal ash ponds has not received a closure permit from IDEM.


NIPSCO is requesting to raise rates by more than $53 million to pay for its Schahfer cleanup. NIPSCO wants Hoosier families to subsidize its coal ash clean-up costs so it can give a large discount to its large industrial customers – and so its Wall Street shareholders don’t have to pay a dime. If approved by the IURC, its plan would raise a typical residential customer bill by approximately $0.40 per month. Its proposal would also allow NIPSCO shareholders to earns millions of dollars in profits.


CAC is demanding a complete cleanup of all coal ash that has been unsafely disposed of at NIPSCO’s coal-fired power plants in Indiana. It is also fighting back on NIPSCO’s unfair proposal to make its customers instead of its shareholders pay for the cleanup. NIPSCO should not be allowed to profit on its failure to properly dispose toxic coal ash for many decades! 


For more information, see IURC Cause No. 45797. NIPSCO filed its request in November 2022. CAC and other intervenors will file testimony in February 2023. A final decision is expected to be issued by the IURC by late spring 2023.

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